Giving Back

Children’s Cancer Center
Sample Properties has been a proud sponsor of the Children’s Cancer Center Gelatin Plunge since 2014, constructing the deck for the gelatin slide platform and helping raise over $100,000 for the children and this cause with generous support from our friends in the community. We are thankful to get to spend time with the children and families who are directly impacted by the Children’s Cancer Center during the event, and enjoy being a part of this great organization throughout the year.

Metropolitan Ministries
Serving Poor and Homeless Families in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco and Polk Counties. Sample Properties is proud to support Metropolitan Ministries in many ways — from working in the Holiday Tent, mentoring in the partnership school, to providing financial assistance.

We Support Our Veterans!
As an avid private pilot, Gray Sample provides free air transportation for injured vets and their families through the Veterans Airlift Command organization. Gray and his fellow pilots fly these deserving vets and their families to and from treatment facilities as well as to various Wounded Warriors rehabilitative programs across the country. On the civilian side, Gray and his team have provided the same service for disadvantaged patients through their Care Flight organization.

Habitat For Humanity
Sample Properties has had the privilege of assisting with several Habitat for Humanity building projects. This wonderful organization helps men and women realize the dream of home ownership through service.

Gray Sample Recognized by Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranch
The Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranch presented Gray Sample with an award in recognition for 20 years of generous support for the organization. The organization aims to help children grow into healthy, productive adults through a four-fold philosophy of care: work, study, play and pray.